Tuesday, March 27, 2018

There was a discussion on one of the FB quiting groups about how to organize your projects.  Although I never have more than 3 projects going on at the same time, I do plan future one.  I use a quarter inch graph paper composition book.  I place page labels on the edge of each page and write the name of the project.  Green means they are complete and red stickers means it is still be worked on.  If there is no sticker, it means I haven't started the project yet and it is only in the planning stages. 

This is a chart I have where I mark all the different steps in making a quilt - fabric, backing, batting purchased, sandwiched, quilted, label finished - checking them off as I finish that step.


  1. I admire your super organisation for your quilting projects, I'm afraid I just seem to lurch from one project to another so perhaps I should follow your example!

  2. I echo those comments that this is a super organization for your quilting projects. I do have a list, those not with the beautiful visual clues and stickers that you have used. Quilt On!
